Let's Get Cracked

Hi, this is Prateek from X.
You might think I'm an egotistical asshole, calling myself cracked on a public platform. Trust me, that's not the case. Twitter is my place to be unhinged; I am not like that in person.

I am a big believer in the concept of agency. Most successful people you might know of definitely have this trait in common.

Agency is a sense of control over your future and the ability + intentionality to get shit done to make progress towards a goal.

To be cracked, you must qualify these two criteria:

  1. You must be capable: This is generally a combination of high IQ, high EQ, emotional regulation, clarity of thought, truth-seeking nature, breadth of knowledge/experiences, and soft skills.
  2. You must have high agency.

Who Are You?

I don't think it matters who I am or what credentials I have. X is a great representation of my thoughts, ideas, and things I do.
I am a big believer in the idea that titles are pointless.

Titles are negotiated more often than you would like to believe.
If you need the help of your credentials to make a point, I wonder if your argument was strong enough to begin with ;)

What's the Point of Being Active on X and Writing This Blog?

X is my way to express myself online, to the open internet. My main goal is to connect with the right people.
I believe expressing myself online is the best way to achieve this. I believe I will end up meeting the right kind of people organically this way.

What Did You Get Done This Week?

Less than what I would have liked to, unfortunately.
Don't worry, I am getting there. ;)
I am a work in progress.

Do You Even Lift, Bro?

Yes, I do lift and try to do some kind of workout 3 days a week.
Endorphins are important for staying in a good mood and making good decisions in general.

Where Do You Flex?

I flex in the "highlights" tab of my Twitter profile, thanks for asking. ;)

What TF Do You Want?

I want to do value creation—very very high amounts of value creation; and then capture some of that value, as described in Peter Thiel's book "Zero to One".
Also I don't want fame; I want to be pseudonymous.